FADE IN: INT. JAMIE'S BEDROOM A dimly lit high-schooler's room. POV: Looking down to jamie's feet. the shot imitates his eyes (Handheld) Beat of silence as Jamie readjusts himself, the ruffling of his clothes are heard. JAMIE (O.S.) It's just that... I... I just feel sometimes as if I don't even know if Its worth it. You know? Jamie is mumbling in and out of comprehension. He sounds distressed. He rubs one foot on top of the other as he talks. JAMIE (O.S.) Jesus. I mean fuck. How  am I supposed to handle all of this. I'm alone. Completely alone (nervous laugh) and I...Shit. Jamie watches as his toes bend up and down. He then focuses on his leg hair. JAMIE (O.S.) I mean... I'm looking at myself and I don't see why...fuck. I see these people and they are... (pause) beautiful. Why aren't I beautiful like that. His toes clench together in stress. He takes a breath. JAMIE (O.S.) I want to be beautiful and... pretty. And... All this shit... I don't know... I don't know! I have no one... I mean... not no-one... I just need to be happy. I need someone to make me happy but all people care about is fucking and sex and all that shit, but I just want someone to make me happy. At this point, Jamie's pace has quickened and his breathing rate increased. Jamie lets out a sigh. JAMIE (O.S.) I just want someone to make me happy. You know? Camera holds on his feet for a moment, then pans upward into the darkness. In the darkness, a single, small green light is visible. THIS IS A WEBCAM LIGHT. CUT TO: BLACKNESS EXT. SIDEWALK Cold. Jamie walks down a sidewalk with his backpack on. His feet make a loud PITTER-PATTER. Handheld: camera follows jamie from a few feet behind. The entire scene is a single shot. Jamie continues to walk steadily for twenty seconds. He looks over to his right and sees a boy sitting on the grass, while continuing to walk. He looks the boy up and down. The boy looks up from his book. They make eye contact and Jamie quickly turns away and continues walking. MURMURS are heard behind Jamie. He glances back quickly then faces forward once more. BULLY (O.S) Faggot. (Distant) Chuckles are heard. BULLY (O.S) Hey Faggot! Jamie looks back for a second time and his eyes light up with fear. Something metallic hits him in the face, right above his left eye. Jamie briefly grabs his face and lets out a little shriek. As he cringes, he looks again and sounds of running are heard. Still holding his eye, he begins running. Jamie's breathing is loud and and he runs as fast as he can. INT. JAMIE'S BEDROOM