Design + prototyping for future interactions and interfaces for VR/AR. Film/video future concept work.
I worked on Google's AR/VR team Daydream for ~2 years. I designed future VR/AR UX, coded interactive prototypes, and directed concept videos for future visioning of VR/AR.

My team focused on core interactions and system UI. We were responsible for establishing the interaction language and design norms for the platform.

I designed prototypes for new experimental features such as 6DoF mobile controllers and a new AR mode that uses the two cameras on the front of the headset to reproject a live 3D video of the world outside.

I focused around social, multi-person co-present immersive applications. One of my favorite prototypes that I designed allowed you to animate a movie with a friend. You both can animate props on a scene simply by moving them around the scene together.

Then another person can jump in with their AR enabled smart phone and become the cinematographer. Together you make a movie! Check out a talk a gave on social VR here!

I worked on many other cool immersive things such as visioning videos, a variety of apps and future UX - however sadly much of it is still confidential :/